Claire’s Transformation

Claire’s Transformation

I had a wardrobe full of clothes! I wasn’t going to buy new clothes, I was going to get back into those clothes which now I can
— Claire
I finally felt confident enough to return to rugby and whilst on the pitch, I didn’t feel like the over weight guy trying to keep up
— Tris
Tris’s Transformation

Tris’s Transformation

Sam’s Transformation

Sam’s Transformation

I felt like old fat mum trailing at the back on a family walk, whereas now I feel I have a whole new lease of life.
— Sam
The change in mindset has been incredible. I never expected losing weight to have such a positive effect in my life.
— Kelly
Kelly’s Transformation

Kelly’s Transformation

Nigel’s Transformation

Nigel’s Transformation

It’s hard at first, but once you get into it, it’s just common sense.
— Nigel
Losing weight has given me confidence and turned an 8 year weight battle on its head.

I now feel like a better role model for my sons to live an active healthy life.
— Shane
Shane’s Transformation

Shane’s Transformation

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